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Section 59 Investigation – Legal Submissions Virtual Hearings

Please take notice that the Section 59 Investigation Panel has been briefed to consider the comments on the Interim Report and to draft its Final Report. 

In light of the delay since the publication of the Interim Report and the submission of comments in 2021, the Panel wishes to provide an opportunity for stakeholders to make legal submissions to the Panel. 

The Panel will convene a virtual hearing between 26-28 June 2023 (3 days). Should you wish to make legal submission please express your intention to do so by writing to the Secretariat. Any stakeholder who wishes to make oral legal submissions will be required to submit written legal submissions 7 calendar days before he/she/it is scheduled to present. 

The Panel is not re-opening its investigation and no further factual submissions will be accepted or considered. 

The Investigation Panel is completely independent of the Council For Medical Schemes, and all queries related to the Section 59 Investigation should be directed to the Secretariat/briefing attorneys of the Panel, Lawtons Africa as follows: 

Contact Person/s: Mr SJ Thema /Mr Sipho Mtsweni 

Email: sj.thema@lawtonsafrica.com / sipho.mtsweni@lawtonsafrica.com 

Telephone: 011 775 6386 / 011 523 6192 

Download the notice here

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