Operational Hours Mon - Fri: 8:00AM - 4:30PM
Information information@medicalschemes.co.za
+27 86 112 3267 +27 12 431 0500

CMS Council

The Council determines overall policy, but day to day decisions and management of staff are the responsibility of the Registrar and the Executive Managers.

Who sits on the Council?

Members of the Council represent a variety of skills and backgrounds, and include experts in law, finance, actuarial sciences, economics, medical sciences, corporate governance and consumer affairs. Council members are appointed on a part-time basis for a period of up to 3 years. The following members to the Council were appointed by the Minister of Health:

Dr Thandi Mabeba - Chairperson

Dr Honours Mukhari

Dr Karmani Chetty

Dr Sugen Naidoo

Dr Nombeko Mbava

Mr AbdulQadir Chogle

Mr Mabalane Mfundisi

Mr Moremi Nkosi

Ms Matshego Ramagaga

Mr Naheem Raheman

Ms Penelope Anne Beck

Mr Siyabonga Jikwana

Mr Tjaart Esterhuyse

Mr Xolani Ngobese

Role of the Council

The Medical Schemes Act gives the Council a number of Statutory Objectives including:

To protect the interests of medical schemes and their members;

To monitor the solvency and financial soundness of medical schemes;

To control and co-ordinate the functioning of medical schemes in a manner that is complementary with the national health policy;

To collect and disseminate information about private health care in South Africa;

To make rules (that are in line with the Medical Schemes Act) with regard to its own functions and powers; and

To make recommendations to the Minister of Health on criteria for the measurement of quality and outcomes of the relevant health services provided for by medical schemes.

When does the Council Meet?

The Council meets at least four times a year, but special meetings may be called by the chairperson or at the written request of the majority of members.

The Minister may at any time request a meeting of the Council. The executive committee of the Council meets at least once a month or at intervals determined by the chairperson. In addition, Council also has a number of Subcommittees which meet on a more regular basis.

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