Industry Report 2021
Key findings on medical schemes activities in 2021:
Number of medical schemes and beneficiaries
- The total number of medical schemes registered during the year 2021 was 75, down from 76, as a result of a merger between Hosmed Medical Scheme and Sizwe Medical Fund, and Quantum Medical Aid Society amalgamated with Discovery Health Medical Scheme, bringing the total number of active schemes to 73 as of December 2021.
- Altogether the 75 schemes had a total subscription of 8.95 million beneficiaries in 2021. The industry experienced a year-on-year increase of 0.55% in the total number of medical scheme beneficiaries, up from 8.90 million in 2020. The total number of beneficiaries of restricted schemes increased by 1.09% compared to a 0.09% increase in the beneficiaries of open schemes.
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CMS Industry Report 2021