Operational Hours Mon - Fri: 8:00AM - 4:30PM
Information information@medicalschemes.co.za
+27 86 112 3267 +27 12 431 0500

The Medical Schemes Industry in 2022

The total number of medical schemes registered during the year 2022 was 72, down from 73 as a result of the Nedgroup Medical Aid Scheme merger with Bonitas Medical Fund at the same time, there was Health Squared Medical Scheme liquidation, bringing the total number of active schemes to 71 as of December 2022.

There were 9 million beneficiaries in the industry in 2022, with open schemes generating 53.8% of the population and restricted schemes generating 46.2%.

Financial Performance of schemes in 2022

During the 2022 financial year, medical schemes utilised their built-up reserves to fund their operations. For every R100.00 received in contributions, R2.92 of the reserves was utilised to fund the R93.96 paid in claims, and R8.96 in non-healthcare expenditure.

Contributions to personal medical savings accounts increased by 3.70% to R21.73 billion in 2022 from R20.95 billion in the previous year (2021: an increase of 2.96%).

Annexures to the Industry Report

Utilisation and Benefits Paid

Annual Return Dashboard

The information based on final data.