Release of the Section 59 Investigation report
The CMS is looking forward to the release of the Section 59 report, which the CMS understands is imminent.
The Council for Medical Schemes (CMS) constituted a multi-stakeholder meeting, which led to the establishment of the Section 59 steering committee, when allegations of racial profiling against Black, Coloured and Indian private medical practitioners were made by Solutionist Thinkers, and the National Health Care Professionals Association (NHCPA).
The Section 59 steering committee supported the establishment of an independent investigation to conduct an enquiry into the above allegations. The independent Investigation Panel, made of three advocates – Advocates Tembeka Ngcukaitobi, Adila Hassim and Kerry Williams – was mandated to investigate complaints and allegations relating to section 59 and regulations 5 and 6 of the Medical Schemes Act (MSA).
The Panel would then provide a draft interim report, for comment, and ultimately a final report. The CMS is looking forward to the release of the Section 59 report, which the CMS understands is imminent.
The Investigation Panel is completely independent of the CMS, and all queries related to the release of the report should be directed to the Secretariat/briefing attorneys of the Panel, Lawtons Africa as follows:
Contact person: Mr SJ Thema
Email: sj.thema@lawtonsafrica.com
Telephone: 011 775 6386
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