CMScript 14 of 2022: Focus on Cervical Cancer
Worldwide, cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer in women. In 2020, an estimated 604 127 women were diagnosed with cervical cancer and about 341 831 women died from the disease. In South Africa, cervical cancer has been identified as a national priority. It is the second most common cancer among women and there are about 7 735 new cases reports yearly and 4 248 women die from the illness. According to the Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA), 1 in every 42 women has a lifetime risk of being diagnosed with cervical cancer, however, it can be treated successfully if detected in the early stages of the disease.
Screening for cervical cancer is PMB level of care under Diagnosis and Treatment Pair (DTP) code 960M. Treatable cervical cancer is a PMB condition under DTP code 954M- Cancer of Cervix – treatable.
How do you treat or manage cervical cancer?
Surgery can be used to remove cancer in the early stages and may be followed by extra therapy if needed. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are additional options for treating locally advanced cervical cancer. Advanced cervical cancer requires individualised care consisting of either palliative radiotherapy or palliative chemotherapy and symptomatic treatment for the terminally ill patient.
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