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Circular 10 of 2024: Verification of Data Officers on Healthcare Utilisation Returns System

As part of our commitment to ensuring the security and accuracy of our records, we conduct regular safety reviews. In line with this, it is necessary to update the information of medical scheme Data Officers to ensure that only authorised personnel have access to our systems. We, therefore, call upon scheme Data Officers to review their information and verify access by logging in to the ASR Utilisation Return system.

Data Officers who have trouble logging in to the ASR Utilisation Return system are requested to contact CMS for support. In the event of the employment of a new Data Officer, the scheme must provide us with an appointment letter signed by the Principal Officer. Those whose records have been updated and who have access to the ASR tool do not need to resubmit their appointment letters.

Principal Officers are requested to assist in ensuring that their Data Officers details have been updated by 31 March 2024, at the latest.

All enquiries regarding this circular should be directed to Ms Khuzwayo by email: b.khuzwayo@medicalschemes.co.za / lion@medicalschemes.co.za , Tel: (012) 431 0529

Download the Circular here