Circular 20 of 2022: Invitation for comments on the Limited Administrator Accreditation Framework
The Council for Medical Schemes (CMS) reviewed information received from optometry benefit management organisations, currently contracted to medical schemes on their operations and services, following Circular 48 of 2020 in July 2020.
As such, the discussion document with recommendations on developing a regulatory framework for optometry benefit management organisations by way of a “limited” administrator accreditation was approved by the Council’s Executive Committee on 11 December 2020.
The limited administrator accreditation framework for regulating administrators providing limited administration services, such as optometry benefit management organisations, is in draft form. Therefore the following related documents have been updated, where applicable, to incorporate the limited administrator accreditation:
· Requirements for Administrator Accreditation
· Administrator Accreditation application form
· Administrator Accreditation Standards – Amended standards to be published as Version 7
· Administration agreement guideline – as published in April 2020
Invitation for comments
The CMS welcomes any comments and/or suggestions regarding the proposed limited administrator accreditation framework by Tuesday, 26 April 2022. These can be addressed to Ms Hannelie Cornelius (Acting General Manager: Accreditation) at
Download the circular here.