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Press Release 8 of 2022: Regulator in the process of migrating Health Squared Medical Scheme members

The Council for Medical Schemes (CMS) hereby informs relevant stakeholders about the pending liquidation of the Health Squared Medical Scheme in terms of Section 53 of the Medical Schemes Act (131 of 1998). Health Squared Medical Scheme approached the High Court on 18 August 2022, in terms of Section 51 of the MSA for leave to apply for the voluntary winding up of the scheme in the interest of its members, as contemplated by Sections 51(5)(e) and 53 of the MSA. The winding-up application is intended to be submitted on 1 September 2022.

In protecting members’ interests, the CMS has engaged seven medical schemes to move current Health Squared Medical Scheme members to other schemes. These medical schemes are in discussions with CMS to consider options for Health Squared Medical Scheme members while ensuring their members are not unduly disadvantaged.

Whilst CMS engages with these medical schemes to find a workable solution, Health Squared Medical Scheme members are encouraged to avoid panic-inspired movements that might leave them worse off.   All the parties in these engagements are conscious of the urgency of the matter and will endeavour to assist the Regulator in finding a solution that is also in the best interests of their respective schemes, its current membership and as duly mandated by their  Board of Trustees. CMS will keep Health Squared Medical Scheme members and the public informed of further developments.

The CMS will continue to exercise statutory oversight on the affairs of medical schemes, in general, to ensure that members’ interests are protected at all times.



Issued by:

Mr Zongezile Baloyi

Executive: Corporate Services


Media enquiries:

CMS Communications

060 995 8002


Download the Press Release here

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