Circular 45 of 2022: Request for HIV, TB and STI data for the South African National Aids Council (SANAC)
The South African National AIDS Council (SANAC), the Council for Medical Schemes (CMS), and the National Department of Health (NDoH) established a private sector initiative to facilitate the collection of HIV, TB, and STI data from registered medical schemes in South Africa in 2016.
Private-sector treatment data is provided annually and semi-annually on the Joint United Nations Program on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS) online reporting tool. Medical schemes, administrators, and managed care organisations are hereby required to provide HIV, TB, and STI indicators in accordance with the aforementioned initiative, as specified in the data collecting tool document attached to this circular. The data officers in charge of submitting the utilisation data are familiar with this procedure and are in the best position to gather and submit the data to the CMS.
The initiative to collect data from the private sector aims to ensure inclusivity and a meaningful contribution to South Africa’s epidemic response. Data collection by the private sector will provide a better understanding of the national response to HIV, TB, and STIs, in addition to providing vital information for national HIV estimates.
Principal Officers are urged to assist the submission of the required data by no later than 12 August 2022 for the reporting period of 1 January to 30 June 2022. (Reporting period is based on the date of service). No changes have been made to the highlighted data specification document.
Please click on the links below to access the data specification document, web service, and upload tool:
- Data Specification – Private Sector Indicator Reference Sheets
- Field details: Schema Guide
- Website –
All enquiries regarding the private sector data collection initiative must be directed to Ms Billia Luwaca (SANAC Secretariat) on email:, Tel: (012) 748 1031.
Your cooperation will be highly appreciated.
Download the Circular here.