Circular 21 of 2024: Update on ASR submissions for 2023
This circular aims to provide the industry with updated information on the submissions of the Annual Financial Statements (AFS) and Annual Statutory Returns (ASR) for 2023.
In Circular 12 of 2024, the industry was informed that CMS expected to go live with the 2023 Annual Statutory Returns system in early May 2024. However, additional development time is still required on the system.
As a result, there will be a further delay in going live with the 2023 Annual Statutory Returns system. The anticipated submission required per Section 37(1) of the Medical Schemes Act (“MS Act”), 131 of 1998 will be announced once the system is live, but it is only expected to go live in the beginning of June 2024.
Whilst this will occasion a non-compliance with Section 37 (1) of the MS Act on the part of the schemes, the non-compliance is justifiable because the prescribed medium of submission is currently not functioning. Schemes will be provided with a six-week period for completing their full submission.
Download the Circular here