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Notice of Nominations for Members of the Council for Medical Schemes

The Honourable Minister of Health, Dr MJ Phaahla, hereby invites the public to submit nominations of fifteen (15) suitable candidates to be considered for appointment to the Council for Medical Schemes for a three (3) – year term of office taking into account the interest of members and of Medical Schemes, expertise in law, actuarial sciences, economics and consumer affairs to serve in the Council for Medical Schemes.

The Council for Medical Schemes is a statutory body established in terms of the Medical Schemes Act,.131 of 1998, as amended (“the Act”). It provides regulatory supervision of private health financing through medical schemes.

Remuneration: Remuneration for Council meetings is set at the level prescribed by the National Treasury. Members of the Council will not serve in full-time capacity, and it is envisaged that the Council will meet on a quarterly basis. Persons in full-time employment of the State will not be remunerated for their service as members of the Council.

Disqualification: No person shall be appointed as a member of the Council if he or she­

(a) is unrehabilitated insolvent;

(b is disqualified under any law from carrying on his or her profession;

(c) is not permanently resident in the Republic of South Africa; or

(d) has at any time been convicted (whether in theRepublic of South Africa or elsewhere) of theft, fraud, forgery or uttering a forged document, perjury or any offence involving dishonesty, and has been sentenced therefore to imprisonment without the option of a fine; and

(e) has or acquires an interest in a business or enterprise, which may conflict or interfere with the proper performance of the duties of Council.

Kindly take note that candidates recommended for appointment will be vetted for compliance with the fitness and propriety requirements set out in Section 5 of the Act. Nominees are also required to disclose any past or present relationships with entities regulated by the Council in the past five (5) years.

Nomination particulars: Nominations must be made on a nomination form obtainable from the Council for Medical Schemes website: https://www.medicalschemes.co.za under CAREERS or the Department of Health website at www.health.gov.za under VACANCIES. Kindly note that the nomination form also outlines the requirements, disqualification criteria and the remuneration of members of the CMS.

Closing date for nominations:  Nominations must be addressed to the Director-General, Department of Health and marked for the attention of the Director: Public Entities Governance and submitted via email at nominations@health.gov.za. Enquiries can be directed to Mr Tsebe at tel. (012) 395 9753.

By no later than 16h00 on 04 August 2023.

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